
TIER2 Pilot 2: Supporting reproducibility at the planning stage of research

23 May 2024

Steered by the mission to foster community-driven stakeholder development, TIER2 has launched its Pilot activities campaign #TIER2Pilots. These eight activities, co-designed with the project’s stakeholders, aim to revolutionise reproducibility-related tools and practices across the research lifecycle.  

For the upcoming weeks, we will be sharing insights into each Pilot's journey, continuing with Pilot 2 – Reproducibility Management Plan (RMP).  

The goal of this Pilot is to produce a ‘Reproducibility Management Plan’ (RMP) prototype. This document will extend traditional “Data Management Plans” (DMPs) to enable reproducibility activities to be identified and detailed throughout a research output management lifecycleCo-creation activities will refine the RMP prototype's questions while seeking to generate case studies that enhance reproducibility understanding across diverse scientific fields.  

 Starting in June 2023, the Pilot will be in development until October 2025 targeting researchers, research communities, funders, and service providers under the guidance of Elli Papadopoulou (Athena Research Center) and Stefania Amodeo (OpenAIRE). Get in touch with the Pilot leads and learn more about the rest of the Pilots here. 

TIER2 Pilot 2