
TIER2 Pilot 1: Clarifying the meanings, relevance, and feasibility of ‘reproducibility’

31 May 2024

Steered by the mission to foster community-driven stakeholder development, TIER2 has launched its Pilot activities campaign #TIER2Pilots. These eight activities, co-designed with the project’s stakeholders, aim to revolutionise reproducibility-related tools and practices across the research lifecycle.  

Throughout the past weeks, we have shared insights into each Pilot's journey, finishing the campaign with Pilot 1 – Decision Aid. 

This Pilot aims to prototype a Decision Aid, clarifying the meanings, relevance, and feasibility of ‘reproducibility’. Starting with identifying the type of reproducibility relevant to each research, the pilot will test the extent to which the tool is useful and efficient. 

Doing so will indicate the considerations regarding the feasibility of the ‘reproducibility’ in a research context. 

Pilot 1 will be targeting researchers, funders, and publishers under the guidance of Jesper W. Schneider (Aarhus University). Get in touch with the Pilot leads and learn more about the rest of the Pilots here. 

TIER2 Pilot 1