On 1 January 2025, TIER2 celebrated its anniversary, marking two years of efforts to increase research reproducibility. This date also marked the start of our final project year.
Some highlights from the past year include:
We successfully conducted our second open call award for establishing a Reproducibility Network, won by a consortium in Serbia. Learn more about the three new Reproducibility Networks established through the TIER2 award.
We published numerous research papers, covering topics such as generative AI and open science, the meanings of reproducibility and enhancing reproducibility in computational experiments. We also shared key deliverables with the community.
Our eight Pilot activities are well underway and making strides. Discover more about their work in our animated video.
We held a joint annual meeting with our sister projects OSIRIS and iRISE. Watch the highlights here.
We presented project results at numerous international events while also organising several of our own, fostering collaboration and co-creation.
As we enter our final year, we look forward to sharing many more results!