A new TIER2 preprint titled “How to get there from here? Barriers and enablers on the road towards reproducibility in research” has been published. The paper, authored by TIER2 partners Serge P.J.M. Horbach, Nicki Lisa Cole, Simone Kopeinik, Barbara Leitner, Joeri Tijdink, and project coordinator Tony Ross-Hellauer, explores the highly debated issue of reproducibility in research. It addresses the causes and consequences of reproducibility challenges, as well as the need for improvements across various fields.
The study uses a future studies methodology to gather perceptions of developments in the research ecosystem related to reproducibility issues. It draws on input from representatives of four main stakeholder categories: scholarly publishers, funding agencies, qualitative social scientists and machine learning researchers. Particularly, it discusses the enablers and barriers that members of these stakeholder communities foresee on the road towards a research ecosystem that is more conducive to reproducibility.