
Discover the future(s) of reproducibility in research with TIER2’s deliverable

18 March 2024

Last year, TIER2 released a report based on the main findings from the project’s work identifying priorities from the stakeholder community to explore the future of reproducibility and identify actionable steps to a preferred future for reproducibility. 

The study aims to determine the future of reproducibility by exploring potential scenarios of the future, examining what steps are needed to make these scenarios workable and detecting barriers and facilitators for reproducibility in the current research system and the future one. In addition, the authors hope to further the discussion on reproducibility, as well as help develop tools that can enable and facilitate the preferred future. 

Check out the deliverable here. 

*This project deliverable has been submitted to, but not yet reviewed by the Research Executive Agency, and might thus be subject to change. 


Deliverable D4.1