
New TIER2 Report: Strengthening Reproducibility & Open Science Networks across Europe

27 May 2024

On 16 April 2024, TIER2 hosted a successful online networking event titled "Building Bridges: Strengthening Reproducibility & Open Science Networks across Europe". It gathered 25 representatives from National Open Access Desks (NOADs) and Reproducibility Networks (RNs) across Europe. 

The event aimed to introduce the TIER2 project, enhance mutual understanding of NOADs and RNs activities, and foster coordination and resource sharing. It combined informative lightning talks with interactive breakout sessions, allowing participants to identify synergies, potential collaborations, share insights, and build connections. 

Discussions centered around two broad themes: Institutionalisation of Open Science, Community Building, and Training. 

The event offered insights into each network's organisation and prompted an engaging discussion about reproducibility and Open Science. 

A detailed report of the event and the slides presented are available at the OSF repository at this URL: 

Participants at TIER2's Building Bridges event