
Applications for the TIER2 Awards for Reproducibility Network are Open

19 June 2023

TIER2 is happy to announce that our open call for establishing a reproducibility network is live. Applicants can win one of three €5000 awards to be used for holding an initial meeting to establish a Reproducibility Network in their "Widening Participation" countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia). The allocated award money may be used for expenses directly related to the establishment meeting, including travel expenses, venue costs, advertisement, technical setups, and consumables. This initial meeting can then serve as a base for the further development of a strong Reproducibility Network and establishing connections between reproducibility initiatives within the country.

Consortia or networks of three or more reproducibility initiatives within the same Horizon Europe “Widening Participation” country are eligible to apply, following the steps outlined here. Application deadline: July 17th.

 Reproducibility Network open call